ATTILIO PARELLI a a The Documentation Music Center
The story of Attilio Parelli


The composer and conductor Attilio Parelli was born in Monteleone d’Orvieto on 31 May 1874, and died here on 26 December 1944.

He has been a pupil of Cesare de Sanctis at Regia Accademia of S. Cecilia from 1891 to 1899, and he began conducting in Italy and in Paris, and then moved in North America.

He collaborated with Cleofonte Campanini at the Manhattan Opera House and at the Grand Opera Company of Chicago.

Returned to Italy in 1925, he became artistic director of the Unione Radiofonica Italiana (later EIAR) of Milan.

In search of fortune


Parelli may be considered a migrant musician, like his countryman Luigi Mancinelli (Orvieto 1848 – Rome 1921) which worked in North America from 1893 to 1903, as well as many other italian artists who moved (temporarily or definitely) from Europe to the America between 1870 and the first world war.

Embarking in search of luck, there were not only poorest and southerners people, but also small owners, artists and artisans, from North and Center of Italy too, some of the most enterprising elements of society, that did not depart “to fortune”, but with solid reference points they planned emigration, with the aim to improve their own economic condition.

The Documentation Music Center

The collection

When the Master died, without direct heirs, all the materials passed to the new house owners, that donated them to the Municipality in the second half of ‘90s.

The precious collection were meticolously catalogued (2001), this work was led by the Chair of Music History of Perugia University, which followed the printing of a Catalogue.

Edited by prof. Biancamaria Brumana, and that allowed to establish the Documentation Music Center “Attilio Parelli” – realized thanks to the economic contribution of Umbria Region – located at the premises of the Municipal Library of Monteleone d’Orvieto.

Attilio Parelli is, perhaps, the Monteleonese citizen who has been able to give more prestige to this Umbria town, small, yes, but rich in culture and beauty. This website, realized with the funding of Umbria Region within the project “Musei in Rete per il Territorio”, aims to tribute to the genius of Master Parelli, contributing to the knowledge and the dissemination of this artist and its work.

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Monday 4pm - 7pm
Wednesday 4pm - 7pm
Friday 4pm - 7pm

0763 834021

piazza Bilancini 15
05017 Monteleone d'Orvieto (TR)